Fit Solutions. Move your body. Fuel your brain. Feed your spirit. Revitalize your health.

Archive for October, 2009


Recognizing the small  changes you make towards a healthier lifestyle are just as important as the more noticable accomplishments.  They are meaningful when you recognize that you are instilling in yourself a sense of awareness, moving towards a shift in your thinking, and developing new habits. Here are some I heard over the last few days:

I  actually felt hungry “hunger pangs” for the first time in a long time.

I feel asleep before 10:30pm and slept all night!

I worked an extra 10 minutes past my usual 30 minutes and felt great!

I cleaned up my treadmill area at home and did two workouts on my own!

Close friend said my butt looked perky!

My fitted jacket fit for the first time in years!

My blood pressure has been normal for three weeks!

Acquaintance said you look like you’ve really slimmed down!

I really like how these new exercises target my muscles!

I gently turned down a request for my time (sorry but no) that would have interfered with my workout time!

I made sure to eat my mid morning  snack to fuel my workout time!

I now look forward to my workouts!

Be sure to keep track of your accomplishments even how small they are!




This is what hard work looks like!

Wanted to send a congrats out to C.F. ,a client with whom I started working with three months ago, for her great success in weight loss and healthy living! 


Weight   Before 175     Now 150

Inches Lost:  16 (20 if you count both legs and arms)

BodyFat:  Before 33.8%   Now 29.8%

Prior to the above “before” numbers,  she lost 10 lbs in a month or so just from eliminating soda and fast food from her daily diet before she came to me.  She has been exercising every day for at least 1 hour, and also works with me two to three times a week.  Additionally, she walks her neighborhood almost every day. 

The weight and body fat loss could not be maintained without her dedication to her nutrition.  She tracks her calorie intake, and adjusts the calories accordingly to her energy expendature ie.  She noticed after 6-8 weeks of significant calorie reduction, her weight loss slowed until she added about 2-300 more calories a day, approx. 16-1800 calories,  to accomodate the energy expended in her exercise and walking. 

 Its important to note that she has two small children and a household that keeps her busy and makes no excuses for slacking on her goals.  She developed an eating plan that is realistic and makes no exceptions when it comes to eating a nice dinner out with her family or friends. 

When I asked her what keeps her focused, she states its the end result, and that she has seen the results along the way:  more energy, positive comments from family and friends, needing smaller pants (none of her pants fit anymore!)  encouraging words from her fellow gym mates, and of  course, the numbers!

Hoorah! This is what hard work looks like!


Lunch at the drive through?

Have any of you seen the commercials Hardees has been running on the bigger better Big Hardee burger?  The burger states its much better than the Mickey D Big Mac comparison.  Well, I guess in calories and fat maybe:

730 Calories

51 g Fat

19 g Saturated Fat

1120 mg Sodium

And the large fries….

470 calories

21 g Fat

4 g Saturated Fat

1040 mg Sodium

Let’s pretend you got a diet soda with that, but  if not, add another 250 calories for a can of regular, and another 100+ for ketchup on the fries.   Chocolate ice cream malt, add 780 calories!

Think about this:   If you eliminate just two lunches at the drive through in one week, you would be one pound lighter at the end of the week, 4 by the end of the month……