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Archive for June, 2016

Simple tips to sizzle this summer

You do not have to avoid summer get togethers nor succumb to temptation and pressure.  DSCN0424Before you throw your healthy lifestyle off the merry go round, check out these simple summer celebration tips to focus on vitality and victory:

  1.  Drink water, lots of it, and prepare with carting a large container with you everywhere you go.  Alternate your water with sugary or alcoholic drinks.  Staying hydrated will help you stay full and safe in the heat.  Oh, and hit the lou before heading out.
  2. Pick your battles – pick one.  If you have family members, get together or events that you know will tempt you beyond your control, choose wisely what you can live without and consider picking one indulgence.  Give up the break room cookies, gooey butter cake, and lemon chocolate  pie for the one serving of grandmas homemade brownies you have to have – I mean, she made them just for you.  Or the grazing on potato chips and dip, and everything else at the party, for the one scoop of potato salad.
  3. Eat your normal meals throughout the day of lean protein and vegetables, fruits and nuts, outside of the events to maintain a healthy metabolism and avoid overeating.  “Saving your calories”  messes with your metabolism and your brain.
  4. Watch your portions.  If you have eaten normally throughout the day, you have no reason to go back to the spread for thirds; and you can still indulge on your favorite treat.
  5. Politely decline to take home the deserts or extras that are not normally in your eating plan.  Aunt  Stella will understand if you tell her the truth… you want to be healthy.